Enjoy your home exchange vacation

Enjoy your exchange holiday and make sure to take good care of the home entrusted to you so that you leave it in as good a condition (or better!) then you found it. Follow agreed instructions for returning keys, dealing with laundry, etc. It is a nice gesture to leave a small present and note for your exchange partners to show how much you enjoyed your holiday in their home.

The vast majority of exchangers are delighted with their exchange base (even the smallest, most modest home is preferable to a cramped hotel room). However, very occasionally a member is unhappy with the housekeeping standards in the exchange home. Although all members of agencies belonging to the First Home Exchange Alliance are given instructions to leave their homes clean and tidy, it is inevitable that not everyone has the same standards. You are staying in a lived in home and must be prepared to be tolerant and flexible.

We want to hear about your home swaps!

We are always delighted to hear of your experiences after your return. Use the Trip Report tool from your Member Area to tell us about your home swap. Adding trip reports also helps act as excellent refferences for yours and your home swap partners exchange offers. 


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